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An Update On The Map Vote

Well, it appears 62% of our players (who could be bothered to vote) want the DayZ Epoch server to keep using Chernarus as its map.

(Results here: http://strawpoll.me/2465032/r)

We'll continue to keep an eye on this kind of thing, but at the moment, changing map means losing players.
There's potential for another [TTP] server running Taviana (the second most voted for map) but we'll have to see about funding it and maybe recruiting another Admin or two to watch over the players.


In Epoch server news, I removed the "Recruit AI Mercs" mod. (It had been used twice in 10 days. Barely worth being there.) Added a safezone to the Aircraft vendor. And added in an updated missions mod.
You can read about the new missions/AI mod here: 
But the tl;dr is:
Better performance, more room for customization, better opportunities for you to increase or decrease your humanity based on your play-style and new "special" missions.

Our friendly neighbourhood Admin, BioHazard, will configure the loot the AI carry when he's got time. Suggestions are welcome... sensible suggestions, anyway.

S5 Box



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