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Arma3 Epoch server is here!



Be up to date here.......http://epochmod.com/download.php

Posted: 9 years 4 months ago by DY357LX #1697
DY357LX's Avatar
Yeah I thought there'd be more features in the mod.

It's probably best to wait until there's more stuff and maybe until Chernarus is ported over. (They're working on that quite a lot. You can watch them outfitting in buildings' loot on their Twitch stream.)

For now, sadly, it's a waste of money.

There's great potential but until we can mod it and the devs throw some more features in, we can probably go without.
Posted: 9 years 4 months ago by Hyper #1696
Hyper's Avatar
In my opinion i think the server is a waste of time, i find the game very boring myself and psirus seems to be the only person in the server.

The future of our Day z server.

The future of the Dayz server is in question at the moment.

We seem to have lost our player base over the last few weeks with it barely seeing 10 people in at any time.

Donations seem to have dried up too, and everyone knows its the donations that keep it running.

I will renew it for one more month but if things do not improve with player base and donations i will be forced to end its life next month.

So if it does happen i would like to say  thankyou to all who have played and supported the server.

Thanks for reading.


Posted: 9 years 5 months ago by Hyper #1687
Hyper's Avatar
Turns out it was Dy3 experimenting with things. We do currently have an Arma3 epoch server reserved to try out when it goes live, ip will be posted when we have it.
Posted: 9 years 5 months ago by smokin #1686
smokin's Avatar
Hyper wrote:
I wasnt aware it had been changed over to Tavi or passworded.

The server shows as "[TTP] OverPoch Origins Taviana - Because, Why Not?" in dayz launcher and gametracker page.

I know A3 has a growing fan base, and the number of overpoch and epoch servers are dropping, but we still play on servers where getting into the game can take a while as all 50 player slots are full on a regular basis.

I had a break for a good while, but dayz mod is the 1 I always come back to.
Anyway, once again, thanks for providing what was a fun server, thanks for the team behind it, and a special thanks to pip, a really decent guy. :)
Good luck with any new ventures the team embark on.

S5 Box



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