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DayZ Server Down For A Little While.

Deployed a possible fix. Connect and let us know how you get on.




It appears the newest Anti-Hack files have broken a few things.

First off, people were getting their Humanity numbers doubled. (We had a few reports of this.)
Then the Anti-Hack author issued a new release but this has now broken various self-actions such as self-bloodbags, interacting with traders, bandaging and more.


You can read about it here:

But for now, we'll have to leave the server down until there's a new set of files. (They're usually pretty frequent and they only take me 10 minutes to implement.)
I doubt it'll be down for more than 24 hours. If we could roll-back, we would but it'd leave us vulnerable to certain cheats.

An Update On The Map Vote

Well, it appears 62% of our players (who could be bothered to vote) want the DayZ Epoch server to keep using Chernarus as its map.

(Results here: http://strawpoll.me/2465032/r)

We'll continue to keep an eye on this kind of thing, but at the moment, changing map means losing players.
There's potential for another [TTP] server running Taviana (the second most voted for map) but we'll have to see about funding it and maybe recruiting another Admin or two to watch over the players.


In Epoch server news, I removed the "Recruit AI Mercs" mod. (It had been used twice in 10 days. Barely worth being there.) Added a safezone to the Aircraft vendor. And added in an updated missions mod.
You can read about the new missions/AI mod here: 
But the tl;dr is:
Better performance, more room for customization, better opportunities for you to increase or decrease your humanity based on your play-style and new "special" missions.

Our friendly neighbourhood Admin, BioHazard, will configure the loot the AI carry when he's got time. Suggestions are welcome... sensible suggestions, anyway.

Should the DayZ Epoch/OverPoch change map for a while?

We've had a couple of people asking about the possibility of a new map due to Chernarus getting a bit stale.


I've put up a poll here:


The poll will run until September 14th (2 weeks) and we'll decide where to go from there based on poll results.

(Please bare in mind that several mods/addons such as AI and missions are unlikely to function on the new maps as they were coded for Chernarus's map co-ordinates. We'll get them working if we can but expect as very basic/bare-bones experience as well as your gear being wiped.)

Please forward the poll or this page to players on the server who might not otherwise see it.



Posted: 9 years 7 months ago by DY357LX #1495
DY357LX's Avatar
Voting is over. The players have decided.
It's closed for discussion, for now.
Posted: 9 years 7 months ago by Smokey #1494
Smokey's Avatar
I think It Would Be Nice To See A change in map e.g lingor island or any other map just for some fun

Windows 9 preview set to arrive late September

We're ready for Windows 9 to wash away the sins of Windows 8, and it looks like Microsoft is, too. According to ZDNet's veteran Microsoft reporter, a "technology preview" version of the OS is coming in late September or October, with the final release scheduled for spring 2015. More tantalizing: that technology preview may be freely available to the public.

Sources have told The Verge that Microsoft plans to unveil Windows 9, codename "Threshold," at a preview event on September 30. In the past, Microsoft has released developer previews for work-in-progress operating systems before making them publicly available. If the "technology preview" is available to the public, we'll all be able to check out Windows 9's improvements before the end of the year. The rumored changes in Threshold give us hope that Windows 9 will be to Windows 8 what Windows 7 was to Vista.

Here's the biggest deal: yes, the Start menu is coming back. Microsoft showed off a prototype mini start menu back in April, which retains the Modern tile look while bringing back the Start program list. Some version of this Start menu will supposedly come to Windows 8.1 in a fall update as well.

Prototype Windows 8.1 Start menu image via twitter user @bhows51.

Another change that's almost as important: Modern apps will be able to run on the standard desktop in a windowed mode, which hopefully means no more switching between the touch-friendly Start screen and the mouse-friendly desktop.

We’re also likely to get a desktop version of Cortana, Microsoft's response to Siri and Google Now. The struggle there is that it’s likely to be tied into the Bing search engine, so if you love you some Google action you’ll have a decision to make.

Microsoft is expected to go over the key features of the next version of Windows at its event in September. We're eager to see how Microsoft's improvements compare to what we want from Windows 9.


Source: http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/08/21/windows-9-preview-set-to-arrive-late-september/


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